CHRYSANTHEMUM 'Julia Peterson'

Fertile soil
Reasonable soil
Well drained soil
Pollinator friendly
Pot Size


Chrysanthemum ‘Julia Peterson

Height x Spread: 60cm x 30cm

This compact, branching, woody based, hardy perennial has scented deep pink/ purple, double flowers with open centres. The foliage is lobed and deep green. Happy in any soil and pH, but won't tolerate soils that get very wet in winter. It loves an aspect in full sun. 

Flowering from September to November, this pollinator friendly plant ties in beautifully with the rich tones that are often present in Autumn gardens. It looks wonderful paired with medium height ornamental grasses and the deep blues and purples of southern hemisphere Salvias as well as Rudbeckia and Dahlias to name but a few,

It makes an excellent cut flower, but wear gloves when handling as the foliage has been known to cause skin allergies in those that are susceptible.

Bred by Clive Hester in Gloucester this is a particularly intense colour and is no doubt part of the reason these plants are having a resurgence in popularity. Cut back old stems in March or April when the new growth appears at soil level. Slugs and snails may take an interest in new foliage in Spring but rarely do lasting damage.

Potential skin allergen. Wear gloves when handling.