LATHYRUS vernus 'Lavender'

Part shade
Reasonable soil
Pot Size


Height x Spread:  30cm x 30cm

One of those spring flowering plants whose delicate, graceful charm definitely belies its toughness, come early March it starts to produce lots of small pale lavender pea-like flowers over a compact mound of lush foliage, often lasting until the end of April with regular deadheading.

Once established long-lived and easy to look after, Spring Vetchling 'Lavender' will happily grow in sun or light dappled shade in a fertile, free draining soil that retains some moisture.  A good choice for a naturalistic woodland setting, perhaps combined with Pulmonaria and Ajuga, or for underplanting deciduous shrubs, a rock garden also sets it off perfectly.  A little tip - cutting the stems to the ground in autumn promotes strong and neat spring growth.

All parts of the plant are toxic.